Monday, January 7, 2008

How To Be A Better Partner ??

It can be quite difficult to find the right person who makes you tick. If you have one, then consider yourself a very lucky person. If you have ever been in a relationship, you know that it takes a great effort to maintain it so it stays healthy and good. Whatever the stage of relationship you are in right now, it is time to improve it and keep the fire burning.

If your relationship is showing signs of wear and tear, perhaps you've forgotten the simplest things we take for granted or grown lazy at working at making things work. This New Year, resolve to be, The perfect partner and put back the sparks in your relationship. After all, it isn't easy to find that special some one whom you can connect with, or can love you the way you are.

1. Respect Your Partner
2. Always be there for your partner
3. Never disparage yourself
4. Be Romantic
5. Communicate
6. Be Honest
7. Never make promises that you cannot keep
8. Do not do things just to keep your partner happy and do not ask your partner to do things you know they don't want to do.

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